I'm a 4th grade teacher and a girl who is OBSESSED with food. I spend a lot of my time with school things (okay, understatement - a vast majority of my time with school). The one other thing I spend ridiculous amounts of time on is food. I watch food on TV. I read cookbooks. I read food blogs. I look at photos of food online. I read food magazines. I dream about food (only sometimes).
The hubster and I in Disneyland many years ago. I just like the creepy skeleton in the background.
I have a sister. She's beautiful. She's crazy. She's in the National Guard. She came to visit me in my desert home. I love her. (Side note: DANG! We were tan!!)
I went to the University of Arizona and am a gargantuan Wildcats fan.
I hope you enjoy reading about my crazy, random, beautiful journey.