Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Creamy Parmesan Chicken Breasts

Have you ever been in a mood where nothing you planned on making sounds good? Like, you're hungry, but you'd really rather not eat anything than the things you'd planned on originally?

No? No one?

Okay, then I stand alone there. But that was my afternoon today. I was home before 5 (shocking!) and decided I wanted to make dinner. So, I did some serious blog-stalking and I came across this. AHH! I had the ingredients and it sounded good. Golden. I immediately knew what we were having for dinner, whether Drew wanted it or not.

Sorry, if he cooked more he'd get to pick more. Lucky for him, he's not picky at all. 

Okay folks, here's the big list. And by big, I mean small. You need 2 chicken breasts, 1/4 c. mayo (I used light), 1/4 c. shredded parmesan cheese, a few dashes of garlic powder, a dash or two of either dried oregano OR paprika, and 3-4 tbsp. panko bread crumbs.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Mix everything but the chicken and the bread crumbs together in a teeny, tiny bowl.

Line a baking sheet with foil - trust me, cleaning up will be a zillion times easier. Lay the chicken breasts on the foil and evenly slather one side of each chicken with the mixture.

Put the breadcrumbs on top of the delicious goo.

That's right. I said goo. Goo.

I'm mature.

Bake for 20-30 minutes. That's it. Not kidding. That's it.

Eat. Enjoy. Serve with something of color because this looks quite boring on a white plate.

Or you could serve it on a colored plate - especially since I can see mashed potatoes going REALLY well with this.

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